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"Instruction for YOU,
Protection for OUR Environment!"

ECT Environmental, Inc.

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Environmental Compliance Training
ECT Environmental, Inc.
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Environmental Compliance Training 

OSHA   10 Hour Safety OSHA Compliance Training

This course is designed for construction workers, foremen, job supervisors, and anyone involved in the construction industry. OSHA recommends Outreach Training Program courses as an orientation to occupational safety and health for workers covered by OSHA 29 CFR 1926. Workers must receive additional training, when required by OSHA standards, on the specific hazards of the job. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive an OSHA 10-Hour Construction Outreach DOL course completion card within 4-6 weeks.

  • State the purpose of the OSH Act and list the functions of OSHA
  • List the OSHA inspection priorities and describe the inspection process
  • Describe the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees under the OSHA Act
  • The basic requirements for proper aisle and passageway maintenance
  • Guidelines for identification and protection of floor opening
  • To understand the importance of effective egress fire protection program